Any dates, links, or other information contained in Past Election Platforms are not guaranteed to work and do not represent any current election, candidate, or representative of The Students’ Union governing body. This information is made available for reference and historic purposes only.

An election campaign platform is the promise a candidate makes and strives to maintain once they are elected. Past campaign platforms are useful to future candidates concerned with historicity and maintaining ongoing campaign promises adopted by The Students’ Union.

We’ve made the past campaign platforms (short versions) via PDF for past general elections and by-elections. As of the Fall 2017 the SU will no longer produce a document (a.k.a. Gauntlet Supplement) of candidate platforms. Past election platforms will only be available via HTML on this site.


Voting days will take place on the 5th, 6th, and 7th days of March, 2024, online, through the myUofC Student Centre. Polling stations will be available at these locations: MacEwan Student Centre, Science Theatres, and TFDL. Voting opens at 9 a.m. on March 5th and closes at 4 p.m. on March 7th, 2024. All University of Calgary undergraduate students registered in the Winter 2024  session are eligible to vote.

A SU Election Candidate Fair for all Faculty Representative and Student-at-Large positions will take place in MacEwan Student Centre (MSC) on February 27. Executive Position forums will take place on February 28, VP External; February 29, VP Internal; March 1, VP Academic; and March 4, President.

See the Election Calendar agenda on the /ELECTIONS page or visit the SU Event Calendar for details.


  • Hello, I’m Sandra Amin! As your 81st VP Academic, I have had the privilege to fight to improve your academic experience. This upcoming year, you can be confident that YOUR needs as students will be addressed.

    1) To be “Ahead of Tomorrow”, the university MUST prioritize the needs and futures of the students of today. As president, I will:

    • Address immediate and long-term student needs through:
    • Advocating to government for the reinstatement of university base-funding, alleviating the impact on student tuition while enhancing the quality of education during student enrollment expansion, and for the increase in investment in post-secondary mental health supports.
    • Collaborating with the government to ensure students have access to safe and affordable housing.
    • Engaging administration to prioritize food security, establishing a plan and timeline to address root causes.
    • Enhance access to meaningful job opportunities by advocating for the implementation of a multifaceted student job program, including compensation for required program placements such as practicums, clinical placements, etc.

    2) Despite decaying under the weight of deferred maintenance, the university plans to accommodate 35,000 students, a far cry from the 3,500 that the buildings were planned to support. That’s a blueprint for demolition, NOT expansion. I will:

    • Ensure UCalgary develops a process to secure external funding for ongoing deferred maintenance and initiate other renovation projects that will enhance campus facilities and student spaces.
    • Insist UCalgary develops a comprehensive plan for the expansion of MacHall, prioritizing additional student-focused spaces and increasing diverse food offerings (i.e., halal options).

    3) Every student DESERVES high-quality support, from supports like wellness services, and during challenging processes like disciplinary procedures that students must navigate. I will:

    • Hold the university accountable to fair consultation processes and transparent reporting on use of student
    • Effectively use limited resources, including:
      • Implementing recommendations made during Wellness Services Consultations to improve quality of support.
      • Implementing a dynamic dashboard to monitor usage trends, adjust resource allocation and restructure services to meet students’ ever-changing needs.
    • Ensure greater accountability in upholding institutional policies regarding discipline and appeals.

    Vote SANDRA AMIN for PRESIDENT, March 5-7!

  • I’m Ermia Rezaei-Afsah, a fifth year Anthropology and History student. I’ve had the pleasure of serving as SU VP Student Life this year, fighting hard to advocate for your quality of life and education. With victories on issues of affordability, food security, residence, and international students under my belt, I’m running to be your President. My platform revolves around 4 points:

    Fight for the Restoration of Post-Secondary Funding and a Halt to All Future Tuition Increases:

    • Increase political pressure on the Alberta government through media campaigns, student mobilization, and targeted lobbying to restore funding to post-secondary education.
    • Oppose all tuition increases by demanding the provincial government maintain the 2% cap on domestic tuition and implement a cap on international tuition.
    • Pressure the province to increase Alberta Student Grants.
    • Hold University administration accountable to ensure transparency on how student dollars are spent.

    Expand Students’ Academic Rights:

    • Push for the elimination of mandatory supporting documentation and replace it with a student self-declaration system for any exam or assignment deferrals.
    • Ensure the University finally adopts the Student Bill of Rights.

    Improve Student Supports and Campus Culture:

    • Initiate an EDI review of SU processes and operations with the aim of implementing best practices to make the SU a more equitable and accessible organization.
    • Call on University admin to create an institutional plan to deal with the food security and affordability crisis on campus.
    • Ensure better availability of diverse meal options on campus through recruitment of vendors who provide halal and vegan options.
    • Hire more staff in Clubs Office to provide greater support for clubs, while pushing for online pathways for completing club insurance.
    • Demand that the province properly funds Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Prevention services, properly addressing the 2023 Leger Report.

    Combat the Student Housing Crisis: 

    • Use the SU President’s seat on the UCalgary Properties Group to advocate for the use of federal housing funding to build affordable student housing in University District.
    • Push for the development of more residence buildings on campus that prioritize affordability, accessibility, and student quality of life.
    Message my Instagram @ermia4president or Reddit u/ermia4president with any questions.


This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for all undergraduate student voters.

  • Hello! My name is Jessie Dinh, and I’m excited at the prospect of representing you once again, but this time, not just in Kinesiology. Over the past two years, I was granted the privilege to cultivate my leadership skills by advocating for equal grading policies, renovating quality study spaces, and expanding academic support and research. Now, I seek to take my skills across campus as your VP Academic!

    Supporting your education

    Unlocking the potential of every student starts with advocating for better educational support. I would:

    • Initiate conversation to establish a grading system that allows rounding. This would reflect student achievements while promoting consistency and fairness.
    • Gather student perspectives on hybrid teaching and advocate for the corresponding support, including hybrid technologies in classrooms.
    • Address student concerns to prevent unfair assessments and ensure that term break remains a break.

    Growing your opportunities

    You pay so much for your education, make it a quality education through experiential learning. I would:

    • Promote interdisciplinary research to foster creativity and critical thinking to explore innovative, real-world solutions.
    • Advocate for the improvement of collaborative learning spaces and innovation hubs, equipped with technology and tools to support your hands-on learning.

    Making learning accessible

    Everyone deserves an equal chance at a quality education and to feel a sense of belonging. I would:

    • Promote inclusive policies such as flexible deadlines and alternative modes of instruction to accommodate different learning styles.
    • Advocate for policies that address the unique challenges of international students, such as language support programs, credit transfer policies, and financial aid.
    • Ensure that all students are protected on campus and in experiential learning opportunities, including practicums, internships, study abroad, and more.

    #VoteInDinh for VP Academic from March 5-7!


This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for all undergraduate student voters.

  • Hi UCalgary students! I’m Mateusz Salmassi, a 5th year international psychology student, running to be re-elected as your Vice-President External. I’ve been in office for over a year, but my work has already achieved a 2% domestic tuition cap from the province, reduced the next international tuition increase from 10% to 6%, forced administration to be more transparent on where our fee money goes, secured $25 million for student housing from the city, and much more.

    I have brought grassroots organizing and institutional advocacy experience to this role. I’m proud to run on my record, and I have a plan to build on these wins.

    My advocacy priorities:


    1. Maintain the increase of the Canada Student Grant maximum from $3,000 to $4,300.
    2. Develop an aggressive federal Get Out the Vote campaign that secures on-campus polling stations and election jobs.
    3. Expand international students’ rights:
      1. Permanently lift all work hour restrictions on international students.
      2. Eliminate the requirement for a Co-op Work Permit.
      3. Count all Canadian work and volunteer experience gained while on a study permit toward permanent residency.


    1. Restore provincial funding to the University of Calgary.
      1. Launch a public, province-wide campaign to pressure the Alberta government.
      2. Develop broad coalitions that include other SUs, public sector unions, and major industry leaders.
      3. Expand on-campus student mobilization capacity by delivering formalized training and creating a network of grassroots student leaders capable of organizing large-scale student strikes.
    2. Secure the following affordability demands:
      1. Re-implement the tuition freeze on domestic and international tuition.
      2. Reinstate the Summer Temporary Employment Program.
      3. Restore tuition tax credits and Alberta Grants.
      4. Push for investments that rapidly expand affordable student housing on and off campus.


    1. Execute an aggressive Get Out the Vote campaign for the next municipal election.
    2. Fight the housing crisis with:
      1. Changing default zoning across the city to enable quicker construction of affordable housing, especially around campus.
      2. A rental registry, creating transparency in property upkeep, safety, and cost.
      3. The establishment of landlord licensing, ensuring livable conditions through proactive safety inspections.


This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for all undergraduate student voters.

  • Dear UCalgary Students,

    My name is Naomie Bakana, and I am deeply honored to present myself as a candidate for the position of Student’s Union Vice President Internal. As a fourth-year sociology student and your current Arts representative, I have been privileged to help address some of the challenges that our diverse student body grapples with on a daily basis. If entrusted with the role of Vice President Internal, I pledge to prioritize the following critical areas:

    Food Insecurity:

    My vision includes a bold initiative to double the financial and staffing capacity of our food bank, ensuring that it can provide a more diverse array of nutritious and culturally sensitive provisions to vulnerable students.


    I vow to advocate for the university to expand its current residential infrastructure to ensure we have enough affordable housing units for both domestic and international students. Additionally, I will spearhead the creation of online platforms within the SU’s website where students can support each other in securing affordable housing options.

    Mental Health and Wellness:

    I would like to use Quality Money funds to expand the capacity of the wellness centre to ensure that mental health counseling services are inclusive, culturally sensitive, and readily accessible to students of all backgrounds and needs. I also would like to establish a student resources portal on the SU’s website, that will include job opportunities, scholarships, and crucial mental health resources.


    I will directly oppose any measures that would exacerbate the financial burdens of our students. As your Vice President Internal, I will resist any tuition increases to ensure that post-secondary education remains within reach for all. Furthermore, I am committed to increasing the amount of financial support that is allocated to both new and existing SU clubs, enabling them to effectively engage students and enrich the campus experience.

    Together, let us embark on a journey towards a Student’s Union that embodies inclusivity, support, and prosperity for every student. Thank you for considering me as your advocate, and please do not hesitate to reach out me at with any questions or concerns. #Naomie4VPInternal


  • Hey everyone! I’m Martin Al-Najar, and I’m campaigning to become one of your Faculty of Arts representatives. I’m eager to connect with you and address the issues facing Arts students on campus.

    Arts students, despite being the largest student body, often feel sidelined and undervalued. This is untenable and must be changed.

    As your Arts representative, you can expect nothing less than my full attention to your concerns. With your vote, I intend to accomplish the following and much more.

    Discounted Parking Permits and Fine Reduction

    Discounted parking permits should be available based on students’ financial circumstances. Costly parking permits make parking on campus inaccessible for too many students, especially those who require vehicle mobility but still struggle financially.

    Furthermore, reductions in parking fine prices would greatly benefit students, and I will work to ensure transparency regarding how parking fine revenue is utilised.

    Improved Wellness Services

    We should not tolerate bad wellness services.

    For many students, campus wellness services are all they have access to, so it is necessary that the services are adequate. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

    Increased resources and funding would allow wellness services to better serve the student population.

    Retaining Local Talent

    Too often do potential Faculty of Arts students flee to other post-secondary institutions or choose to enrol in other faculties entirely. It is critical for the faculty’s survival that we engage with the local community to promote the departments within the Faculty of Arts as valuable, viable majors with numerous and flexible career opportunities.

    I hope to establish a program where Arts students can receive credit promoting the Faculty of Arts through engaging with the community.

    Other Goals Include

    • Advocating for a dedicated faculty advisor for the SCPA
    • Fostering community development through the revitalising of clubs such as Scribe & Muse
    • Prioritising EDI training for staff
    • Promoting Tuition Transparency
    • Improving and renovating the Arts Lounge and study spaces in the Social Sciences building

    I’m excited to collaborate with you all to build a strong and inclusive community for Arts students!

    Make sure you vote Mart4Art from March 5-7th!

  • I am Simchah Atanda, and I am eager to step forward as your Arts Representative. With a steadfast commitment to serving our student body, I bring my experiences as a 3rd-year International Relations student and firsthand insights gained through my roles as a dedicated director within the Faculty of Arts Student Association (FASA). Throughout my three years at UCalgary, I’ve been deeply involved in advocacy, community building, student leadership, and impactful social campaigns. These experiences have equipped me with a profound understanding of the challenges Arts students encounter daily. If elected, I would work diligently to address the following issues:

    1) Tackling Tuition Hikes:

    • Elevate the concerns about the continued funding cuts within the Faculty of Arts directly to senior Faculty leadership.
    • Collaborate with on-campus advocacy groups to protest further tuition hikes for both domestic and international students.
    • Push for additional financial support from the Faculty of Arts towards departmental clubs to enhance their student-focused activities.

    2) First-Year and International Students Welfare:

    • Work closely with the International Student Services and Leadership and Student Engagement to improve existing student support.
    • Advocate for increased funding to the ISS to better support our international student needs.
    • Create a program to integrate first-year students into UCalgary’s departmental, social, and cultural clubs, fostering a diverse and inclusive community.

    3) Academic and Professional Development:

    • Leverage my position at FASA to circulate job opportunities, scholarships, and mentorship opportunities directly to students on a monthly basis.
    • Advocate for enhanced student advising, emphasizing support tailored to the intricate needs of students, particularly in interdisciplinary and joint-degree programs.
    • Craft and present a thorough Quality Money proposal focused on enhancing scholarship opportunities for BIPOC, neurodiverse, and financially disadvantaged students.

    In conclusion, my candidacy for Faculty of Arts Representative reflects a dedicated commitment to positive change and advocacy for all students within the Faculty of Arts. My unique experiences, diverse skill set, and unwavering dedication to addressing the challenges faced by our student community position me as a well-suited candidate for this influential leadership role. If you have any questions, email me at

  • Hello fellow arts students! My name is Jonathan Barazzutti, and I am a second-year economics student running to be your Faculty of Arts Representative! I am a passionate and driven student who wants to advocate for you in our shared attempt to make the university a more vibrant and dynamic place. This begins with promoting simple solutions to big problems faced by our faculty and the rest of the student body. Problems such as administrative bloat that the university forces students to increasingly finance through tuition hikes. Problems such as incomplete, clunky, or nonexistent online resources to help students succeed academically. And problems such as the lack of a diverse and lively intellectual community within the faculty of arts.

    I aim to address these problems and more if I get elected as Faculty of Arts Representative.

    Tuition and the Budget

    – Advocate for increased budgetary transparency from our administration;

    – Push administration to demonstrate the benefits any tuition increases they propose will have on students;

    – Ensure that all future tuition increases go towards areas that are important to students, such as improving student food security;

    – Create a new Students’ Union subcommittee dedicated to investigating the budgetary decisions of the university;

    Academic Success

    – Expand the current incomplete Undergraduate First-Year Degree Guide into a Multi-Year Degree Guide to assist students in completing their degrees;

    – Improve UCalgary website navigability when looking for answers to basic academic questions;

    Diversity and Expression

    – Work with the Faculty of Arts administration to survey the level of cultural and intellectual diversity within the faculty and implement measures to ensure it exists;

    – Push for a statement from the Students’ Union ensuring they will protect freedom of expression on campus;

    Thank you for your time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me through my UCalgary email, And remember, vote for Jonathan Barazzutti on March 5-7 for simple solutions to big problems!

  • Vote Edom Girma for Faculty of Arts Rep! #EdomWillGetItDone
    Hello, fellow arts students! I’m Edom Girma, a second-year Political Science student, and I’m running to be your Faculty of Arts Representative.


    •  Affordability First: I’ll fight for student affordability by engaging with decision-makers to outline why education should be more affordable.
    •  Quality Money Projects: I’ll support projects that enhance our educational environment, including creating new study areas (No more hide-and-seek with empty classrooms) and refurbishing spaces like the Arts Lounge. Maybe we can start by fixing those wobbly tables, so our computers don’t shake with every movement we make!
    • Diverse Circumstances, Equal Opportunities: Let’s broaden scholarship offerings to accommodate students facing diverse circumstances that may hinder their success. By prioritizing these situations, we ensure every student within our faculty has a fair shot at success without unnecessary hurdles.
    • Creating an Arts Student Town Hall: Having such an event will enable students to voice their concerns to those who represent them effectively and thoughtfully.
    • Free Printing: Work with other Faculty Representatives to urge UCalgary to create a system similar to the Calgary Public Library. We can do this by giving each student $5 in free printing per month (about 50 pages), to alleviate financial challenges.

    Community Spirit:

    • Boosting School Spirit: I’ll promote events and activities to create a vibrant campus atmosphere, fostering a sense of unity and pride.
    • Traditions That Last: Let’s build both on historical traditions and create new ones together. Think Holiday Decorating Contest – making our university experience memorable!

    Why Vote Edom?

    • Real Action: I’m committed to real outcomes for YOU.
    • Real Dedication: Your concerns are my top priority.
    • Real Results: Let’s work together to ensure the best education experience possible.

    Vote for Edom Girma: Your voice, your choice! Together, let’s make our university experience better. #EdomWillGetItDone

    Feel free to contact me via email at or reach out to me on Instagram and TikTok @edom4artsrep (you won’t regret watching those TikToks)
  • Hello, fellow Arts students! My name is Aitazaz Shah, and as a first-year Global Development Studies student, I’m excited to announce my candidacy for your representative in the Students Union for the Faculty of Arts. My commitment is to serve as your voice and advocate, focusing on enhancing our community’s involvement, spirit, and overall student experience. Here’s my action plan:

    Enhancing Student Involvement and Spirit

    For First-Year Students: I will introduce a “Welcome to Arts” initiative, featuring orientation sessions and mentorship programs tailored specifically for first-year students, to ensure a smooth and welcoming transition into university life.

    Promoting Arts Clubs: I plan to organize an annual “Arts Clubs Showcase” event to highlight the diversity and creativity within our clubs. This event will not only provide a platform for clubs to display their projects and achievements but also encourage wider student participation and membership.

    Affordability and Student Welfare

    Food Security Initiatives: Recognizing the importance of food security, I will advocate for and implement programs aimed at ensuring all students have access to affordable and nutritious food options on campus.

    Tuition: Acknowledging the difficulties created by consistent reductions in funding for higher education, I will highlight the importance of lowering tuition fees for both domestic and international students. Furthermore, I will collaborate with the university administration to advocate to the provincial government for financial assistance.

    Services and Professional Development

    Career Fair and Industry Connections: To bridge the gap between Arts students and potential career opportunities, I plan to organize an annual career fair, facilitating direct interactions with industry professionals and alumni.

    Enhanced Academic Support: In partnership with the Student Success Centre, I will ensure the availability of specialized workshops focused on academic writing, research, and exam preparation, tailored specifically for Arts students.

    As your representative, my mission is to create an inclusive, supportive, and vibrant Faculty of Arts community. Together, we can make a significant impact, enhancing our academic and social experience at the university. I look forward to your support and to making our collective vision a reality.

  • Hello University of Calgary, I am Henry William Westwood and I’m running to be one of your SU Arts Representatives. If elected I promise to do the following things for you.

    Student Wellbeing.

    • We are currently in a cost-of-living crisis and people across all faculties are feeling the effects of this. As an Arts representative I will stand to try and reduce costs and fees wherever I can, so you, the students have one less thing to worry about.
    • With regard to students’ wellbeing, if elected I will investigate the renovations of old study spaces. There are many study spaces across the UofC that are decrepit and falling apart with dated technology, I will tackle the UofC on modernizing these study spaces, so they are usable by the student body.
    • Tuition is another issue we face. There has been an almost 40% increase in tuition since 2019 and it needs to come to a stop. So, I promise to advocate for you and talk with the UofC to try and halt the rapid rise in our tuition and restore some normalcy to the situation.

    Fostering a Strong Arts Community.

    • Despite being the biggest faculty at the UofC the Arts department is often overlooked by administrators at the UofC. If you elect me, I will be the voice that the Arts department so desperately needs. We need to show the UofC that we are just as important a faculty as any other and demand we be treated with respect and dignity.
    • If I’m elected, I will also try to foster a strong sense of community in the Arts department. This sense of communality seems to be lacking compared to other departments. I will investigate setting up more interesting and inclusive events for Arts majors so we can build a real community.
    • The Arts department lacks the funding we need for our size compared to other departments. If elected I will talk with faculty and department heads about obtaining more funding for our community and our programs.


  • Hi everyone, my name is Mirza, and I am currently in my third year of the Bachelor of Health Sciences program, majoring in Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Health & Society. I would be honored to be your next Cumming School of Medicine representative. My goal is to make sure all students have access to the resources they need for career development. I will also work to make sure that CSM students have a fulfilling university experience and have opportunities to foster friendships with their peers.

    Career Development

    • Encouraging Career Exploration: Finding a career can be very hard, however, there are so many opportunities open to us, whether that be the traditional pathways of medicine and research, or less explored pathways, such as biotechnology, law school, entrepreneurship, and government. Having explored all of these I want to ensure all CSM students are able to do so as well. I will work to create opportunities for CSM students to connect with individuals from various fields to learn more about and network in both traditional and non-traditional fields. I will also create programs that CSM students can turn to at any time for career advice, and help them plan milestones such as finding research, preparing for the MCAT, and applying for internships.

    University Experience

    • Food and events: I will aim to foster opportunities to gather bhsc and cumming school of medicine students for various events and community-engagement prospects. In these events, my hope is to build a stronger student community at Foothills, and food and beverages will of course be provided 🙂

    Please reach out if you have any questions!

  • Hi there!! My name is Chaten Jessel, I’m a 3rd year medical student, and I would be honored to be your Cumming School of Medicine Representative for the 2024-2025 school year! As a former 3-term SU Faculty Representative, I worked tirelessly to promote open education resources, breaking down systemic barriers indigenous students face when entering university, and improving study spaces. Looking forward, there is so much more I want to accomplish.

    Advocating for Open Education Resources

    As tuition continues to rise, there is an enormous financial burden being put on students. I believe that adopting open education resources (OER’s) is a novel way to combat it. OER’s are free alternatives to expensive traditional textbooks and offer an innovative way to reduce education costs independent of tuition. Work I’ve done has already impacted over 20,000 students and collectively saved them over $996,000!! If elected, I want to continue this momentum, making education more accessible for all.

    Increased Accountability to Students

    I want to help all of you better understand the work that your SU representatives do on your behalf. Using the Cumming School of Medicine Representatives Instagram account, I hope to share the important meetings, initiatives, and advocacy that your representatives engage with to ensure that you’re in the loop with what the SU is up to!

    Working Towards a Decolonizing Health Care Congress

    Promoting authentic inclusion of Indigenous people and knowledge systems into our education and into healthcare is essential. As such, I aim to host a Decolonizing Health Care Congress open to all Cumming School of Medicine students where we can learn from indigenous leaders about how to honor reconciliation in medicine and build institutional capacity to address the underlying causes of health disparities Indigenous peoples face.

    These are just a few of the ways I want to work for the betterment of students. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my platform and for your consideration.

    Together I know that we can make the Cumming School of Medicine an even better place for all students!

    Vote Chaten Jessel for Cumming School of Medicine Representative!

  • Hello! My name is Hannah Kim and I am a second-year Biomedical Science student. I am running to be one of your next faculty representatives for the 2024-2025 year! By being your faculty rep, I would advocate for the following:

    Student Mental Health and Wellness

    In a program with a heavy course load combined with extracurriculars and other commitments, it can be difficult to balance it all while still taking care of your mental health – often leading to burnout. I will work to promote the visibility of mental health supports that are available to CSM students such as the Student Wellness Advocacy Hub (SAWH), as well as increasing awareness of supports in the main campus such as the Student Wellness Services. I will also advocate for the expansion of counseling services in the SAWH, to ensure that mental health support is readily accessible.

    Academic Action

    When students want to give feedback regarding their classes, they are invited to fill out a course evaluation form. However, there isn’t always a meaningful change in the course design even after receiving student feedback. If elected, I would ensure that students’ feedback on the class evaluation forms and TA surveys are carefully considered and increase transparency of the faculty’s class evaluation process so that student feedback makes a direct impact on class design.

    Personal and Professional Development

    Getting involved in opportunities such as research is a meaningful way to discover your interests and passions outside of your classes, but it can sometimes be overwhelming to seek out all these opportunities by yourself. If I elected, I will create a consistent communications platform to provide information and ongoing updates about experiential learning opportunities such as research, volunteering, seminars, and workshops!

    I am committed to enhancing your post-secondary experience by representing the diverse interests of our faculty and fostering a culture where you feel supported and heard.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my platform, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions at my email address below!


This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for eligible undergraduate student voters.

  • Hey Kines! My name is Elbert Tom, and I am excited at the prospect of serving as your Faculty Representative for the 2024-2025 academic year! Over the past three years, I have witnessed and experienced the challenges students face and the potential for growth and improvement in our faculty. With your support, I am eager to introduce several initiatives aimed at enhancing career prospects, inclusiveness, and overall student experience.

    Expanding Career Horizons:

    Beyond the dominant notions of physiotherapy, medicine, dentistry, and other graduate programs is a world full of innovation. For example, in the evolving field of wearable technology, there are only 1-2 internship opportunities (such as Garmin) advertised to students who may want to explore other unique career paths. Calgary houses a multitude of organizations and companies eager to take on kinesiology students. My goal is to bridge this gap among industries and kinesiology students, ensuring you are informed and connected to these opportunities that are available during and after your degree.

    Enhancing Communication Channels:

    Effective communication forms the backbone of a thriving academic community. To this end, I will work towards creating platforms where students can anonymously give tips and suggestions to better their experience in this faculty. It will serve as your voice, allowing you to share insights on everything from the utilization of faculty spaces to enhancements in student life amenities, such as installing microwaves around the faculty to ease your daily routines. YOUR feedback is crucial in driving positive changes within our faculty.

    Acknowledging and Highlighting Student Strengths:

    Diversity in learning styles is a strength that needs more recognition and support. Some classes have heavily weighted midterms or tests early in the semester that cater to students who are better at these assessments. I will advocate for more equal weight distribution with other course assignments/projects to better accommodate the many learning styles of students.

    Vote for Elbert Tom From March 5-7! Together, we can shape a future for our faculty that reflects our collective aspirations and potential.

    Feel free to email me at if you have any questions or concerns!


This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for eligible undergraduate student voters.

  • Hi Everyone! My name is Safaa Al-Khaz’Aly, and I am running to be your Faculty of Law representative.

    Over the past year, there have been shifts in our political and economic environment with direct impacts on student well-being. With that in mind, mental health is a priority for me. I will work with the SU, the University, and the Faculty of Law to ensure students have access to mental health programs, services, and initiatives. I plan to continue to bolster mental health awareness throughout our faculty by working with the Wellness Centre, ASSIST and the Faculty of Law to bring more accessible mental health services. In doing this, my plan includes ensuring access to counselling, drop-in peer support groups, stress-coping workshops, and mental health awareness campaigns.

    As a faculty that is built on collegiality and networks, I understand the importance of connecting with one another, not only for the sake of our personal communities as many students come from out-of-province, but also for our professional development. As such, I propose to host more student panels, with an aim at connecting first year students with upper year students. As well, I will work with the Faculty of Law to bring in practitioners and experts from the wider Canadian legal community to provide their expertise to our students. I will also liaise between the Faculty of Law and resource centres such as the Q Centre, Office of Indigenous Engagement, Women’s Resource Centre, the Faith and Spirituality Centre and others to ensure these campus wide resources are available and accessible to law students.

    As your Faculty of Law Representative, I will work as a liaison between the Faculty of Law and the Student’s Union to ensure I am able to advocate for all of you! I will always maintain an open line of communication with students and members of the faculty. By working together, we can make this experience the best for our students! Vote Safaa Al-Khaz’Aly!


  • Hi Science students! My name is Gabriela Dziegielewska, and I’m a 5th year combined chemistry and geophysics student running to be your next Faculty of Science Representative! My experience on campus includes volunteering with the International Student Mentorship Program and serving as Head of Education for Golden Mti, a non-profit that provides free tutoring and mentorship services for marginalized K-12 students.

    I’m running because I know what it’s like to have financial barriers to gaining research experience, to pass a class only because a professor opted to provide reasonable flexibility, and to have little-to-no opportunities to build community across different departments. My platform is about taking these experiences and using them to improve the policies and programs we deal with every day.


    1. Flexible deadlines:
      • Introduce a 5-day flex policy that gives a student in any course automatic five penalty-free extension days on any assignment during the term.
    1. Fight for the implementation of technology that will enable wide-spread hybrid learning to ensure students always have access to their course materials.
    2. Expand the PASS tutoring program to include more departments and higher-level courses.


    1. Incentivize the Faculty to implement Open Educational Resources (OERs) more broadly to provide students high-quality and free resources in place of textbooks:
      •  Implement OER creation through the curriculum review process.
      • Work with the Taylor Institute to provide grants for teaching releases for creating OERs.


    1. Apply for a Quality Money application to fund undergraduate students pursuing research, including students participating in for-credit research courses.
    2.  Create a website that lists all professors open to taking on undergraduate research students to make the process easier for students looking to gain hands-on research experience.


    1. Develop a Faculty of Science consultation process to implement students’ feedback in decisions that directly affect their student experience.
    2. Establish the Faculty of Science Students’ Association that will help shift power back to students.
    3. Ensure there is student representation earlier in the curriculum development process.
    4. Formalize a process for submitting academic complaints against professors who violate academic regulations.
  • I am Kazi Sifat, announcing my candidacy for the position of Faculty of Science representative. As a third-year international student majoring in Physics, I am concerned about enhancing our academic community.

    As your representative, I am all for championing policies that promote equity, accessibility, and excellence within our faculty.

    My agenda revolves around four key initiatives:

    Standardizing Deadlines:

    I propose the implementation of a standardized deadline system, with all assignments and projects due at 12 AM (end of day). By centralizing deadlines, we can alleviate the stress and confusion associated with varying submission times, enabling students to manage their academic responsibilities more.

    Optional Assessments and Bonus Marks:

    I advocate for the inclusion of bonus mark questions and optional assessments in courses, provided there is a minimum percentage required in finals to pass a course. This approach encourages active learning and empowers students to engage with course material in meaningful ways. I believe that incentivizing academic exploration and collaboration is much more sustainable than promoting fear of failure and competition.

    Expanding Platforms for Research Engagement and Collaboration:

    As your representative, I will work to boost engagement with researchers, facilitate access to potential research opportunities, and promote dialogue around emerging topics and areas of interest. We can foster a vibrant research community that empowers students to pursue their academic passions, ahead of tomorrow.

    Dino’s Grand Summit Olympiad:

    Propose the Faculty of Science to administer an annual All-department Science Olympiad with monetary prizes, funded by the students, for the students. I intend to boost the academic excellence and prestige of our faculty by creating an esteemed grand Olympiad that tests the scientific all-roundedness of students and rewards scientific merit with monetary grants in the form of scholarships. This shall inspire learning and prestige among students of the Faculty of Science.

    With your support, I am confident that together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant academic community where every student has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Thank you for your consideration, and I humbly ask for your support in this journey towards a brighter future for all.

  • Hey there! My name is Ben Shi, I am a third-year neuroscience student, and would be honoured to be re-elected as your Faculty of Science Representative.

    Serving as your representative over the past year, I:

    • Spearheaded the advocacy of flexible deadline policies, convincing faculty leadership to add this topic to the Teaching and Learning Committee’s working plan.
    • Organized a Science Pancake Breakfast+Club Faire, feeding over 250 of y’all while enhancing the science community.
    • Established communications with the Science Internship Program to host the first Science Internship Alumni Showcase featuring internship advisors and current interns, allowing for students to connect with those working in industry alongside easy access to advisors.
    • Advocated for better ways for students to express their needs regarding PASS sessions, working to create convenient ways students to communicate with the student success centre regarding PASS support.
    • And more!

    Moving forwards to next year, there is much more I wish to do for you.

    Career exploration for Science

    There is a problem many of us face: if not a lawyer, doctor, or researcher, what can you do with a science degree? I want to aid your career exploration by increasing visibility of other options through showcasing the journeys of Science graduates who succeeded in their various industries—from entrepreneurship to teaching. I also want to enhance the availability of experiential learning opportunities that can be done while taking classes.

    Continued advocacy for flexible deadlines

    While supporting the creation of flexible deadlines is a topic on the TLC working plan, I plan to continue to ensure that the students’ perspective is heard in further discussions.

    Have a good time

    Community events! (persuade the SU and faculty to buy food for students) 

    Increasing the student voice 

    Last year, I worked to enhance the students’ voices in numerous ways, from deadline polices to PASS sessions. I aim to continue connecting the voices of students to those who make impactful decisions affecting students; an area of interest being barriers to internship.

    Thanks for your time in reading my platform! Together, we can continue to improve Science for everyone.

  • Hello students, my name is Jayden Tran. I am a fourth-year student currently doing a combined degree in mathematics and commerce and I am running to be your next Faculty of Science Representative! As a student who has been heavily involved in campus from clubs to student activism, I have developed my platform on three main goals that I feel are most pressing for students in our department:

    –        Establishing a Faculty Association for the Sciences.

    • Having a faculty association will help with facilitating cross-department connection which will be of great benefit to students of every department.
    • This will help cultivate a campus culture and provide opportunities for students in the sciences through creating events, scholarships, networking, as well as career development opportunities.
    • Establishing an interdepartmental association like the Faculty of Arts Students Association or the Engineering Students Society.

    –        Emphasis on budget cuts and issues affecting the faculty.

    • Science students pay so much in tuition but year after year our facilities, labs, and lectures are getting worse with no real solutions in sight.
    • As of now, we have lost degrees such as applied chemistry and statistics, and programs such as the math honors program.
    • I will be collaborating with the SU’s VP External as well working with the government relations committee to bring light to this issue.

    –        Advocating for better grading schemes.

    • I understand how incredibly frustrating it is to have your grade being weighted on exams that are sometimes quite unfair.
    • Some classes do not have curves despite a horrendously low average, which affects a student’s overall GPA if they may wish to use it in their grad school applications.
    • Besides the CG system, I will advocate for more flexible grading schemes to ensure that students are receiving grades that fairly and more accurately reflect their performance in the class.

    You can reach me at If you, like me, want the highest quality education and want to see your campus be the best it can be, with facilities that appropriately accommodate your needs, vote Jayden Tran!

  • Hello! I am Emmanuel Trinidad, a second-year Computer Science student running to be your next science representative. I will attempt to implement the following:

    Increased academic support

    Recognizing the issue of high fail rate and limited seating in upper-year courses, I propose to expand PASS (Peer-Assisted Study Sessions) coverage to 300 and 400-level courses. By extending support to high-fail courses, we reduce retake rates and open up seats for first-attempt students.

    Student input in Spring-Summer intersession classes

    The classes offered in the Spring and Summer terms are often limited. To build more confidence in course offerings, I will introduce a student questionnaire to gather preferences for courses during Spring and Summer, which will allow for the faculty to see what kind of courses the students need.

    Increased study spaces

    To address the growing demand for study spaces, I will utilize the Quality Money program to create additional study spaces within science buildings. Given the University’s Ahead of Tomorrow Plan to increase enrolment by 10,000 in the next 6 years, it is essential to ensure all students have access to productive learning environments even during peak hours.

    Centralized platform for research opportunities

    I plan to establish a centralized platform for research opportunities where faculty can post open positions and students can create their profiles to apply & create connections within faculty. By streamlining the process for both parties, we allow direct communication and eliminate the need for mass emailing.

    Increased Accessibility for Internship Program

    The current Science internship program only allows internships of eight consecutive months or more to qualify for credit, which does not fit into many students’ schedules. I will advocate for the flexibility of breaking the current 8-month requirement into two 4-month internships.

    I am open to discussion about my platform; you can contact me at As a representative, I will listen to feedback about your needs in order to serve you best. Please vote Emmanuel Trinidad for Science Representative from March 5-7!


This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for eligible undergraduate student voters.

  • Dear fellow Social Work Students,

    I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the position of Faculty of Social Work Representative within our Student Union. My vision is anchored in three pillars that I hold dear to my heart: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), Access to Opportunities, and Student Wellbeing.

    EDI Initiatives: As a Faculty, we must rise to the occasion and champion the voices of those most unheard. I am committed to collaborating with the EDI Committee, Anti-Black Racism Taskforce, and leaders at  Kiipitakyoyis (Grandmother’s Lodge) to create tangible, evidence-based support systems that not only address the challenges faced by minority students but also empower them to thrive. Together, we will tackle burnout and compassion fatigue head-on, in a way that empowers marginalized people to remain motivated.

    Increasing Access to Opportunities: It is disheartening to witness talented students miss out on valuable learning opportunities simply because they lack access to information. As your representative, I will tirelessly advocate for greater transparency and connectivity between the Faculty of Social Work and the broader university ecosystem. Through collaboration the Social Work Students Association, social media platforms, and community organizations, I will work tirelessly to ensure that scholarships and resources tailored to the needs of marginalized students are not only available but widely known and accessible.

    Fostering Student Wellbeing: Our journey as Social Work students is not merely an academic pursuit; it is a holistic experience that encompasses our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. As a Black, Malawian student, I understand the unique mental and emotional challenges that many of us face within this program as we try to incite positive change. I pledge to be a tireless advocate for clearer pathways to mental health support services, ensuring that no student navigates the complexities of university life alone.

    With your support, we can turn our collective vision into reality, creating a Faculty community that celebrates diversity, nurtures talent, and prioritizes the wellbeing of every student. Thank you for considering me as your advocate. Feel free to reach out to me at with any questions or concerns.


These candidates are running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for eligible undergraduate student voters.

  • Hi Dinos,

    My name is Farhan Labib Chisty, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of SU Faculty Representative at the Haskayne School of Business. Currently in my second year of studies in Accounting, I am deeply passionate about addressing the critical issues facing students like us. If elected, I am dedicated to being a proactive voice for all students at the Haskayne School of Business. One of my key priorities is to establish transparent communication channels between the university administration and the students. By fostering open dialogue, I aim to ensure that your concerns and needs are heard and prioritized.

    My focus will be on:

    Enhanced Networking Opportunities

    Networking is one of the most important factors in a business student`s career. Therefore, I will organize more and regular networking events, alumni panels, and mentorship programs to connect students with professionals in various industries, providing valuable insights and potential career opportunities.

    Industry Partnerships

    I will forge partnerships with local businesses, corporations, and startups to create more internship and co-op opportunities for business students, allowing them to gain practical experience and develop relevant skills while contributing to real-world projects.

    Advocating for Enhanced Course Support

    I will advocate for increased support for courses, including the implementation of more Tutorials and PASS sessions for upper year courses. These additional resources aim to reinforce course material, clarify concepts, and provide students with extra assistance to ensure their academic success.

  • Hello UCalgary!! My name is Uday Singh Sandhu, I am running to be your Haskayne Representative. I promise to advocate for better representation of the student voices at all levels. I will make sure to use my position in the SU to make some significant changes, to make the university experience better for youThe three goals objectives for this term are:

    1. Stop to the Tuition increases, the significant financial strain endured by students profoundly undermines their academic pursuits and is totally unacceptable. I pledge to actively resist the tuition fee escalations at such high rates and I will work to reduce the frequency of the tuition increases. Furthermore, I will be determined to facilitating increased access to scholarships for all Haskayne students, ensuring more opportunities with equitable application access.
    2. Student work Opportunities, I will work alongside Haskayne management to introduce a better and more user friendly platform for Haskayne Students to access the job opportunities that would help them progress professionally. This would come along with increased efforts to bring in more internship/Co-op opportunities for Haskayne students.
    3. Improved mental well-being resources. I will actively work to bring better mental health services to Haskayne, helping students with their day to day struggles. It is essential for students to have good mental health so that they can focus on themselves and their careers.

    Some other changes that I would be working on include, improved seating in Mathison and Scurfield, provision of microwaves for the ease of students and many more to come as we discuss them!!

    Please email me at and search me up on Instagram so that we can work our way towards a better Haskayne!!

    Remember to vote for Uday Singh Sandhu from March 5th-7th 2024.


This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for eligible undergraduate student voters.

  • My name is Julia Law and I intend to run for the Faculty Representative for the School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture, otherwise known as SAPL. I hope to bridge the connection between SAPL undergraduate students and student life on campus, ensuring all students can enjoy their time here at the University. I also intend to maintain good connections with professors of the undergraduate programs, allowing for a positive relationship between students and staff. Beyond this, I aspire to be a point of contact for all undergrads at SAPL, giving them the ability to voice their concerns on campus, have a safe person to communicate with, and overall allow them to connect with the things that the university has to offer during their time as a student.


  • Hey Schulich!

    I’m Tavish Comrie, a 3rd Year Geomatics Engineering student, running to be your next Faculty Representative. My platform focuses on improving the club and team experience, enhancing collaboration between engineering students, the SU, and faculty, and fostering transparency and accountability.

    Enhancing Schulich Club and Team Experience: Schulich clubs and teams play a vital role in fostering community, and I aim to improve their experience. I will advocate to improve the quality of technical team space to better support the diverse array of clubs in Schulich. Within SU, I will work towards streamlining the Club Hub approval process to better aid clubs and teams in holding events. Finally, I will be a vocal advocate for increased funding opportunities for student conferences as they enrich the experiences of students and promote the university.

    Strengthening Collaboration within Engineering: Collaboration is key and my experience and connections to the Dean’s office, ESS, and department societies position me to foster it effectively. I will strengthen the connection between the Engineering Students’ Society (ESS) and the Students’ Union (SU) to enhance the quality of numerous facets of the engineering experience. Next, recognizing disparities between departments, I will work towards increasing faculty-student interaction, particularly in more populated disciplines to ensure students’ voices are heard within their major. Additionally, I propose integrating major information into first-year seminar sessions to provide them with more accessibility and clarity about different majors. Right now, the information available to first years simply does not cut it and information about each major should be adequately presented to all students.

    Accountability: Schulich students rightfully question the lack of transparency and accountability among past reps. To bridge the gap between student expectations and SU representation, I commit to holding in-person accountability sessions. Furthermore, I will establish a continuous feedback mechanism, including a dedicated form for students to voice their concerns and know that their concerns are being addressed.

    Together, with your support, we can refocus on the issues important to students.

    For more details, contact me at
  • Hi Schulich!

    My name’s Debojeet Dam, and I’m thrilled to throw my hat into the ring for one of the faculty representative positions for the Schulich School of Engineering in the upcoming Student Union elections. As a second-year software engineering student, I’m not just here to represent you; I’m here to be a part of the journey alongside you.

    I’m excited to share that my campaign revolves around three pillars: Improving Co-curricular Opportunities for Students, Advocating for Academic Adaptability, and Strengthening Schulich’s Social Relationships. Each pillar is complete with meticulous strategies aimed at enriching our Schulich experience.

    1. Enhance Co-curricular Opportunities for Students

    I aim to establish a seamless connection between Schulich and our alumni network, facilitating mentorship and career pathways that are readily accessible. I also aim to foster a culture of entrepreneurial thinking amongst Schulich students, igniting innovative pathways amidst the terrifying market. Let’s forge pathways to greater opportunities for everybody!

    2. Advocacy for Academic Adaptability

    I’ve heard your concerns about the gap between classroom learning and real-world application, and I’m here to bridge it. Improved project-based learning aligned with industry standards? You got it. Additionally, I aim to continue the fight for bringing the CR/F system to Schulich, this time targeting this problem with a more niche approach. Your education should be relevant and impactful, and I’m here to make sure it is.

    3. Strengthening Schulich’s Social Relationships

    Now, let’s get social! Repairing the relationship between the Student Union and the Engineering Students Society (ESS) is a top priority for me. With my background as a former ESS member, I understand the importance of transparency and student representation. And let’s not forget about breaking down the barriers between Schulich and other faculties. Let’s incorporate more cross-faculty initiatives and opportunities for everyone! It’s time to build a more inclusive and collaborative campus environment, don’t you think?

    Together, let’s make sure we’re not just Schulich, Schulich, Schulich – let’s be UofC! For further information on how we’ll turn these ideas into reality, reach out to me at Together, let’s pioneer a new era at Schulich!

  • Hello Schulich School of Engineering students. My name is Lujaina Eldelebshany, and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy for the Faculty Representative position on behalf of SSE to the Student’s Union. I am running because I believe that Schulich needs identifiable, present representation that not only represents the students’ pressing and urgent concerns, but does so with backed experience as a student. This document outlines my vision for an exciting future and the values that guide my commitment to SSE.

    I believe in

    1. Reducing leadership bureaucracy in academia.
      1. Student concerns get directly communicated with program coordinators
    2. Fixing the ESS leadership.
      1. Addressing diverse leadership
      2. The ESS bubble
    3. Funding Schulich innovation.
      1. Haskayne relations
      2. Hunter Hub

    My vision is one of seamless pipelines enabling students to find the resources they need. I am committed to working tirelessly to make this vision a reality for every resident of  SSE.

    As a third year student, I have had the opportunities of playing significant roles in hosting more than one national engineering conference, hosting the engineering graduation banquet, holding a major ESS position, leading a tech startup team on campus, and proposing major changes to the academic requirements of the engineering curriculum to improve its effectiveness. Additionally, I have had the honor of representing the University of Calgary internationally through pitch and entrepreneurial competitions.

    As a 2021 Schulich Leader, I have regularly met with the Dean and the university’s president to discuss change to be seen in SSE, and I believe that the experiences that I have been a part of for 3 years have enabled me to identify change from my own vantage points, and work towards breaking down the barriers preventing students from reaching their full potential at SSE. As your representative, I would simply be in an official position where I can work even harder to bring these goals to fruition.

    I invite you to join me in this journey towards a brighter future. Together, we can make a real difference that students can feel the effects of, and I look forward to representing you.

  • “What time is it? It’s Schulich time!”

    This rallying cry embodies the spirit of innovation, collaboration, and excellence that defines our community at Schulich. In recent years, the Schulich School of Engineering has faced challenges, experiencing a decline in its prestige and a lack of proper leadership within the engineering student body. But fear not, for I am here to serve—not for personal gain, but for the betterment of all engineers in this university. My name is Sheikh Raiyan Khaled, currently in second-year Electrical Engineering, and I will be your candidate for Faculty Representative of the Schulich School of Engineering at the upcoming SU General Elections 2024.

    Your Voice Matters: “What time is it? It’s time for your voice to be heard!” With a monthly feedback system, we’ll evaluate course quality and teaching effectiveness, ensuring your concerns are addressed promptly. Reach out anytime via email (—I’m here to listen and act on your suggestions. Together, we’ll uphold high teaching standards and elevate your academic experience.

    Effective collaboration between the SU, ESS, and Schulich is our mantra. I’ll foster greater teamwork and accountability among representatives, through a monthly report system, to ensure this position serves our community, not personal interests.

    Enhanced Course Offerings: It’s time for flexible course scheduling! I will push for the availability of more engineering courses during spring/summer sessions and throughout the academic year by gathering petitions and collectively advocating and lobbying for it through collaboration with ESS. No student should be left behind—let’s ensure everyone can thrive and succeed.

    Financial Support: “What time is it? It’s time to make education more accessible!” By exploring opportunities for collaboration with external organizations, such as government agencies, philanthropic foundations, or corporate sponsors, let’s secure increased grants and bursaries, so that every aspiring engineer can chase their dreams.

    Facilities for Clubs: “What time is it? It’s time for our clubs to shine!” Through collaboration with ESS, ZOO, MESS, CEUS, SUSE, etc., let’s bring engineering society homerooms back to Schulich. Moreover, I shall push for increased equipment, storage, and workspace for Schulich clubs, empowering them to excel in competitions.

  • I am a 4th year Mechanical Engineering major running for this position because I believe that the lives of engineering students at this university are not at the level they deserve to be, and I know I can do actual good in making their lives better, both for those studying now, and for those to come.

    The Faculty, and University as a whole cannot stand for believing in the care of their students while taking away the things that are crucial to our mental and physical wellbeing. The following are the primary goals I plan to work on as Faculty Representative.

    1. Reduce academic pressure by fighting for the return of the CG option to Engineering. The faculty must show they truly care about student mental and financial wellbeing by implementing policies that give ENGG students a degree of flexibility.
    2. Call on the faculty to develop a comprehensive ENGG student consultation plan regarding the conversion of homerooms, lab spaces, and club rooms into instructional spaces. These spaces are crucial to our studies, our extra-curricular activities, and our ability to interact and socialize with others. The faculty must take care and ensure that these core tenets of the student experience are not harmed.
    3. Closer collaboration with ESS and finding a way to bring back the mandatory membership fee. Social life on campus is integral to any student’s time at university and the return of the fee will allow ESS to both do more and be more in ensuring that every ENGG students’ life is better.
    4. More transparency and visibility. If you ask most ENGG students if they know what their Faculty Rep does they will tell you they have no clue. This position has been misused and invisible in the past, and I can promise everyone reading this, that will not happen on my watch.

    As Faculty Representative I will work to accomplish these goals and more, for I believe this is a position from which I can make every engineering students’ life better.



This candidate is running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for all undergraduate student voters.

  • Dear UCalgary Students, My name is Siraaj Shah, and as a third-year student majoring in International Relations, I am excited to announce my candidacy for the Board of Governors Student Representative position. Having served as an Arts Representative for the past two years, I bring a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to enhancing student life at our university.

    The Board of Governors plays a pivotal role in representing the student body to the university’s highest decision-making authority. I am dedicated to ensuring your voices are heard and your concerns are addressed in the following key areas:


    In response to the escalating costs of living and education, I propose the following initiatives to enhance affordability:

    • Housing: I will use my professional expertise to advocate for the university to increase support for off-campus housing and enhance on-campus residence services.
    • Food Security: By collaborating with various university offices, I aim to establish a long-term, sustainable food security plan, including the implementation of a voucher program to make food more affordable for all students
    • Tuition:Recognizing the challenges posed by years of cuts to post-secondary education funding, I will emphasize the need for reduced tuition costs for both domestic and international students and lobby the provincial government alongside the university administration for financial relief.

    Campus Improvement:

    To address the significant needs of our campus infrastructure, I plan to undertake the following initiatives:

    • Faith-Based Spaces: With the growth of diverse faith groups on campus, expanding prayer spaces and creating hybrid areas for faith-based gatherings is essential.
    • UCalgary Website: Recognizing the challenges posed by the current UCalgary website and academic calendar navigation, I will work with the administration to improve website accessibility.
    • Student Services: Many students are unaware of the extensive services available to them. I will organize a Student Services fair in MacEwan Hall to highlight the various offices dedicated to supporting student needs.

These candidates are running uncontested and will appear as YES/NO on the ballot for all undergraduate student voters.

  • Hello UCalgary, my name is Muntaha Aamir, and I am running to be your next Senate Representative! If Elected I will work to do the following:

    Student Safety and Wellbeing

    I will advocate for

    1. Greater support and funding for Sexual Violence Support, and the Sexual Violence Support Team
    2. Improvements to Campus Security to ensure that immediate safety concerns are resolved quickly
    3. Resources in place for students needing to escape difficult, or abusive situations at home, to ensure that such students have alternative housing options, funding opportunities or more.

    Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

    Every student deserves to feel heard, included, and happy with their peers. I will introduce policy to the university to ensure that

    1. UCalgary’s statements on the surrounding issues in our community stay consistent, and do not contradict motions that affect other students- especially those that stem from generational trauma.
    2. There will be more learning opportunities for staff and students in a way that will allow for easy and unrestricted conversation between our peers at the university.


    With the cost of living increasing dramatically for students, I will discuss the following:

    1. Increasingly more students are facing issues regarding food security.I will work to ensure that healthy, and affordable options are available to students on Campus.
    2. I will ensure that the issue of rising Tuition due to Provincial Cuts is heard, and ensure adequate student consultation is done in order that solutions are found
    3. I will ensure  that concerns around Transparency with Residency are heard, and advocate for greater support to be given to students with off campus housing.
  • Background

    Hello UCalgary! My name is Elsa Stokes, and I am excited to be a candidate for the position of Senate Student-at-Large Representative. I am currently in my third year of the Concurrent Education program, specializing in Secondary French. In the past year, I had the privilege of serving as the Students’ Union Faculty Representative for the Werklund School of Education. During my term, I actively engaged in student advocacy, through my participation in the Teaching Excellence Awards committee and the Undergraduate Programs in Education Faculty Committee. Recently, I have been working on securing a need-based subsidy for UCalgary Education students undergoing unpaid Field Experiences. This is a project close to my heart, and I am committed to continuing this work if elected as Senate Student-at-Large Representative.


    I have two primary goals as Senate Representative. Firstly, I aim to strengthen the connection between the Student Legislative Council and the Senate, ensuring that the decisions made by the Senate are effectively communicated to elected students. Equally important to me is listening to the needs and requests of the students-at-large and relaying those to the Senate. By fostering this strong connection, I believe we can amplify student voices and make sure their concerns are heard by the wider UCalgary community.

    Secondly, drawing from my experience as the Werklund Faculty Representative, I am dedicated to advocating for compensation for field work in the faculties of Education, Social Work, and Nursing. These degrees require mandatory practicum experiences for graduation, which involve unpaid labor- amounting to up to 500 hours in an academic year. Through my work with the Senate, which includes building relationships with external University partners and donors, I plan to initiate a dialogue addressing this issue, and strive towards some level of compensation for these students.

    I am passionate about making a positive impact on our university community, and I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to serve as your Senate Student-at-Large Representative. Thank you for your consideration.


The following positions have no candidates and will NOT appear on the 2024 General Election ballot.

  • Faculty of Nursing Representative
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Representative
  • Werklund School of Education Faculty Representative