Review Board / Tribunal

The Review Board

The Review Board and Tribunal are responsible for the judicial functions within the jurisdiction of the Union. Specifically, the Review Board has jurisdiction over justiciable issues of the Union, which means that students can apply to the Review Board to appeal SU decisions that they believe were unfair or in violation of the SU’s Union Bylaw, policies, or procedures. The types of issues that might be heard by the Review Board include:

  • Decisions made by SLC;
  • Decisions made by Committees of SLC;
  • Decisions made by the CRO during the administration of a Union Election; or
  • Actions by an Elected Official.

The Review Board operates independently from the rest of the SU and follows its own procedures to ensure a fair and just process.

Students may submit an application to the Review Board, subject to any relevant deadlines. The Review Board reviews applications and can decide if an application warrants a hearing.

Decisions of the Review Board can be appealed to the Tribunal.

The Tribunal

The Tribunal has jurisdiction over decisions of the Review Board. A student who is dissatisfied with a decision of the Review Board can appeal to the Tribunal if:

  • There was a significant defect in the appeal process;
  • There was a significant defect in the content of the Review Board’s decision;
  • There is new evidence that is relevant to the decision and is likely to have impacted the Review Board’s decision; or
  • The Review Board’s decision was based on a process that was obviously unfair or unjust.

The Tribunal has the power to confirm, reverse, or amend the decision being appealed. It can also refer matters back to the Review Board. Like the Review Board, the Tribunal operates independently from the rest of the SU and follows its own procedures to ensure a fair and just process.

Students who are dissatisfied with a Review Board decision may submit an application to the Tribunal, subject to any relevant deadlines. The Tribunal reviews applications and can decide if an application warrants a hearing.

Review Board and Tribunal Links: