
SU General or By-election and related events

Event Series Nomination Days

Nomination Days

2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Nomination Days will be held from Sept 25 to 27, from 10 am to 3 pm each day. This nomination procedure includes a detailed nomination package that can be accessed online or by visiting the SU office (MSC 251). Before deciding to run you should also consult our SU Election Documents section section on this site as well […]

Event Series Nomination Days

Nomination Days

2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Nomination Days will be held from Sept 25 to 27, from 10 am to 3 pm each day. This nomination procedure includes a detailed nomination package that can be accessed online or by visiting the SU office (MSC 251). Before deciding to run you should also consult our SU Election Documents section section on this site as well […]

General Election 2024: In-person Workshop

Council Chambers: MSC

Pre-Election Orientation sessions are generally held two weeks prior to Nomination days for the General Election. The CRO conducts these workshops for potential candidates to provide them background about the Students’ Union (SU), Students’ Legislative Council (SLC), expectations as an elected official, various aspects of running in a student election and about what happens if […]

General Election 2024: Online Workshop

Virtual Space, Online

Pre-Election Orientation sessions are generally held two weeks prior to Nomination days for the General Election. The CRO conducts these workshops for potential candidates to provide them background about the Students’ Union (SU), Students’ Legislative Council (SLC), expectations as an elected official, various aspects of running in a student election and about what happens if […]

General Election 2024: Nomination Days

Council Chambers: MSC

Forms may be submitted according to the Nomination Package available on the Election Docs page. The Elections team will accept nominations virtually from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day or in person at the SU Main office (MSC 251) from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.   Join the nominations virtually at: https://ucalgary.zoom.us/j/99352490199?pwd=Ky93UnJrNkJpTE5ESzNPL2ZhTVZLUT09

General Election 2024: Nomination Days

Council Chambers: MSC

Forms may be submitted according to the Nomination Package available on the Election Docs page. The Elections team will accept nominations virtually from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day or in person at the SU Main office (MSC 251) from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.   Join the nominations virtually at: https://ucalgary.zoom.us/j/99352490199?pwd=Ky93UnJrNkJpTE5ESzNPL2ZhTVZLUT09

General Election 2024: Nomination Days

Council Chambers: MSC

Forms may be submitted according to the Nomination Package available on the Election Docs page. The Elections team will accept nominations virtually from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. each day or in person at the SU Main office (MSC 251) from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.   Join the nominations virtually at: https://ucalgary.zoom.us/j/99352490199?pwd=Ky93UnJrNkJpTE5ESzNPL2ZhTVZLUT09

SU Election Candidate Fair

North Courtyard: MSC

Join us next week! Come meet your candidates for Faculty rep and students at large positions! The SU Election Candidate Fair will take place in Mac Hall North Courtyard from 10 am- 2 pm on Tuesday, February 27.