Alphabet Soup

Virtual Space, Online

Alphabet Soup is a presentation to educate on what each letter of the LGBTQ+ community is and what it entails. After the presentation there is opportunity for members of the audience to ask questions. This presentation is beneficial to everyone! Members within and outside of the LGBTQ+ community can learn about new identities! Register via […]


Trans 101

Virtual Space, Online

This presentation will briefly go through the basics of what it is to be transgender and the concept of gender identity. A speaker will be present to have an interview style Q&A where they can speak to their own experiences of being transgender. It's important to understand these perspectives. Transgender voices are important and need […]

Sex Week: Trans 101 Panel

Q Centre 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A Panel discussion with 3 trans students and a moderator surrounding basic trans terminology and respect, followed by their experiences as trans people on the University of Calgary campus. Drop-in event.

Sex Week Speaker Event: a conversation with Martin Boyce

MacEwan Ballroom

We will be having a conversation with Martin Boyce, a prominent LGBTQ activist, and one of the last surviving members from the Stonewall riots. Register here:

Asexuality Panel

Q Centre 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This panel event seeks to help students learn more about asexuality and ace-spectrum identities. We will have panelists speak about their experiences, their understandings of their identites, and issues impacting the Ace community. Attendees can ask questions to our panelists and learn more! We want to raise awareness for this oft-neglected identity and spread positive […]

Inclusive Valentines Making

South Courtyard: MSC

Craft event making inclusive valentines. Tables will be set up in MacHall north courtyard with art supplies to make inclusive valentines. The volunteers and coordinators will go around and help teach visitors who are interested different ways to make valentines, but this will be more of a come and participate as you please event.

Queer Arts Showcase

Q Centre 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Come by the Q Centre to experience art and self-expression for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community! Visual art will be displayed around the space, and poetry and other verbial mediums will be presented throughout the showcase. Join us in celebrating queer art! No registration required.

Alphabet Soup

That Empty Space: TES

Come join the Q Centre and learn more about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community! All are welcome! Q will provide a brief comprihensive presenatation covering 2SLGBTQIA+ terminology & communities.