
Housing Advocacy Continues!

Housing Advocacy Continues! 150 150 admin

Housing continues to be a hot topic, and the SU is ensuring that student voices continue to be heard as we approach a pivotal vote at City Council on April 22!

In September, students made their voices heard loud and clear joining hundreds of others rallying for housing affordability in front of City Hall. The energized group heard messages of support from Mayor Gondek, Councillor Walcott, and many inspiring individuals sharing the impact that the housing crisis is having on folks in Calgary. On September 16, our hard work paid off and the city’s proposed housing strategy was successfully passed in full, with additional amendments made to prioritize student housing.

NOW we are calling on the City Council to finish what they started and Vote “yes” to R-CG zoning on April 22.

What does this vote mean?

On April 22, City Council is voting to approve R-CG zoning city-wide. Passing this vote will mean putting an end to exclusionary zoning practices in Calgary. Students in Calgary continue to be pushed to the far corners of the city because of the lack of housing options. This needs to stop now.

Current zoning in Calgary creates a host of unnecessary barriers for folks looking to live near the University of Calgary or in other vibrant neighbourhoods. Approving R-CG zoning will help address this problem.

Find the City’s info sheet here to learn more about RC-G.

Want to make your voice heard?