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The Students' Union Tutor Registry is a free, online searchable database of qualified university students and alumni offering tutoring services in a wide range of subjects.

You can filter the tutors by their faculty of association or by entering the course name and number in the search box. Use the course name/number format: CPSC-411. You also may search on the course name or number alone for a more general search.

Zainab - Biomedical Sciences Student - Fixed Rate

CHEM 201, CHEM 203, BIOL 241, BIOL 243, CHEM 351, BCHEM 393, MDSC 341, MDSC 321, MDSC 308, MDSC 351…
Price: $25.00

Amirhossein - PhD - Fixed

PHIL 279 I recently finished my PhD in Philosophy. Aside from my overall experience with Phil 279, I have TAed…
Price: $50.00

Amina - Science Student - Fixed

MATH 265, CHEM 201, CHEM 203, CHEM 311, PHYS 221 I've always been someone that people would reach out for…
Price: $30.00

Erick - Engineering Student - Negotiable

ENER 260, ENGG 202 I am a SAIT, Power Engineering Techology, graduate and Fourth Class ticket holder with Third Class…
Price: $25.00

Hwimin - Science Student - Fixed Rate

ECON 301, ECON 303, ECON 395, DATA 311, CPSC 217, CPSC 331, CPSC 319 Hello, I'm a third-year student at…
Price: Free

Esther - Alumni - Negotiable

PLBI 541, CHIN 341, EAST 531, BIOL 453, CHIN 357
Price: $35.00

Meshach - PhD Student - Negotiable

MATH 211, MATH 213, MATH 249, MATH 265, ENCH 300, ENCH 327, ENCH 405, ENCH 450 I conducted tutorials for…
Price: $30.00

Donovan - PhD Student - Negotiable

KNES 251, KNES 351, KNES 451, KNES 213, KNES 201, KNES 203, KNES 263, KNES 363, KNES 463, KNES 365…
Price: $40.00

Nayantara - PhD Candidate - Negotiable

BIOL 202, BIOL 205, BIOL 212, BIOL 241, BIOL 243, BIOL 311, BIOL 331, CMMB 531 I am a Ph.D. candidate…
Price: $35.00

Andres - PhD Student - Negotiable

PHYS-211, PHYS-221, PHYS-223, PHYS-259, PHYS-369, MATH 213, MATH 249, MATH 265, MATH 267, MATH 275, MATH 277 I'm passionate about various…
Price: $35.00